The Barbara H. McGrath and B. Diane McGrath Go Global Scholarship Fund was established to support study abroad for University of Illinois students. The study abroad scholarship funds are designated to support Global Studies majors who study abroad on a University of Illinois-sponsored or affiliated program to fulfill the requirement for their major or for students working on issues of international adoption. Scholarship awards starting at $1,000 are available for fall or spring semesters. Funds are credited to the student’s University of Illinois account in the term that their required study abroad occurs.
Students must have a minimum GPA of 3.5 at Illinois and either have Global Studies as their primary major and/or have demonstrated interest in improving the situation of children in foster care and orphanages abroad, ideally with a focus on enabling international adoption and improving governmental policy related to international adoptions at the time of application. Only students who are applying for a study abroad program approved by a Global Studies advisor are eligible for the scholarship. Study abroad must take place in a country with a primary language other than English. Priority will be given to students who have Priority will be given to students who have demonstrated a commitment to improving the situation of children in foster care and orphanages. Applicants who can demonstrate financial need are given special consideration.
The application must be submitted to Global Studies via email ( by 5:00 p.m. on the following date:
For study abroad in Fall 2025: March 31st, 2025
Application Packet
An application packet includes the information below. Only complete application packets will be accepted.
- Scholarship Application Form (below)
- Statement of Purpose. Applicant should state their personal and academic goals for their study abroad experience, including how they have prepared for the experience, how they plan to work towards their goals while abroad, and how they think the study abroad experience will serve their intellectual development. Applicants should include specific reference to their planned study abroad program and to their involvement in international activities on campus, including activities for their major. As applicable, students should detail their demonstrated commitment to improving the situation of children in foster care and orphanages Recommended length: 2 pages.
- Transcript. Unofficial transcript is acceptable.
- Major Plan of Study for Global Studies (for Global Studies majors). Completed and signed by applicant and a Global Studies advisor.
- Statement of Financial Need (Optional, but strongly recommended). Applicants who can show financial need are given special consideration. This statement includes a copy of a current Financial Aid Award letter, official budget of proposed study abroad program, and a brief statement of financial need.
Awardees will be notified approximately one month after the application deadline of their award. Awardees are asked to share their experience with the funder upon return, facilitated by Global Studies.
For More Information
For questions and additional applications, see or e-mail