The LAS Global Studies Program Office is eager to connect our alumni with our current students and to assist you in any way that we can with your career goals.
Join our University of Illinois International and Global Studies LinkedIn Group. This is a great way to connect with alumni and current students. You will need to search for the group by typing in: LAS Global Studies, University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign. There is a space after the hyphen. It will read University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign. This is NOT a typo.
- Post job and internship openings
- Organize alumni socials
- Post current articles about global and international studies
- Network with alums to discover your next career opportunity
At least once a year LAS Global Studies send out a newsletter to our International and Global Studies alums to keep you up to date with about program happenings and exciting new initiatives.
If you’d like to receive the newsletter please update your contact information with the College of LAS: