Majoring in Global Studies, concentrating in Governance and Conflict Resolution and minoring in French and Arabic. My area concentration is North Africa and the Middle East and I am also an ACDIS Certificate candidate.
I studied abroad in Amman, Jordan! Amman is a busy, crowded, modern city. The CIEE program here has allowed for me to study Colloquial Arabic through an intense immersion into Jordanian society, work as a videographer for an NGO called Generations for Peace, and learn through amazing courses like Arabic Diplomacy where we have heard from some amazing diplomats and ambassadors. Jordan is not high on a lot of people’s list when picking a place to study abroad, but there were 80 American students from across the country that all came with the same goals of improving their language and learning more about Arab culture. The opportunities have been endless and I hope to see myself perhaps working and living in Jordan in the future. The experience has been unlike any I’ve had before and opened my eyes to the complexities of modern politics, history, and the Arabic language.