Policy Analyst at Solar San Antonio in San Antonia, Texas
Major: International Studies and Economics; Class of 2006
Language: French
Professional, Technical, or Scientific Core:Development
Area Focus: Sub-Saharan Africa
Study Abroad Program: CIEE, Dakar, Senegal
Quote: "My decision to pursue an environmental career came when I realized that “International Development” had to be done at the intersection of the environment. After spending a number of years outside the U.S., I realized that many of the impacts of climate change were unfairly burdening communities who were not responsible for causing climate change. I decided to return to the U.S. to work to change policies so that we could lower our greenhouse gas emissions. I have spent the past year and a half as a Policy Analyst at Solar San Antonio working to make San Antonio a leader in clean energy. My interests include clean energy, sustainable food systems, and urban planning."