If you are currently using a University Google Apps @ Illinois Gmail account (or forwarding emails to a personal address), you may NOT be receiving all of your emails.
Your university account was recently updated with the newest Microsoft 365 license. An unintended change created Exchange (Outlook) Online mailboxes for some students. University emails may now be redirected to that Exchange mailbox instead.
Please confirm your email delivery preferences and follow the instructions below.
Begin by logging in to https://outlook.office.com using your NetID@illinois.edu and NetID password to check if university emails were sent to this inbox.
If emails appear in your new inbox, you have two options moving forward:
- Use the new Exchange Online (Outlook) mailbox. If you choose this option, please follow the steps outlined in this KnowledgeBase article (https://answers.uillinois.edu/illinois/47593) to ensure all emails are delivered to your new Exchange inbox.
- Take steps to continue having messages delivered to your alternative mailbox. You will need to set-up email forwarding. Please follow the steps outlined in this KnowledgeBase article (https://answers.uillinois.edu/illinois/47608) to forward email. For example, if you want to continue using your Google Apps @ Illinois Gmail account, set the "Redirect to" address as your NetID@g.illinois.edu.
We apologize for the inconvenience to those affected. If you have any questions or need assistance, please let us know
Simon Chen
Tech Services