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Carol Skalnik Leff

Contact Information

Political Science
Lincoln Hall 361
605 E Springfield Ave
M/C 452
Champaign, IL 61820
Associate Professor

Additional Campus Affiliations

Associate Professor Emerita, Political Science
Associate Professor Emerita, European Union Center
Associate Professor Emerita, Center for Global Studies

Recent Publications

Ramet, S. P., & Leff, C. S. (2020). Interwar czechoslovakia - a national state for a multiethnic population. In Interwar East Central Europe, 1918-1941: The Failure of Democracy-building, the Fate of Minorities (pp. 75-108). Taylor and Francis.

Leff, C. S. (2019). Building democratic values in the Czech Republic since 1989. In Central and Southeast European Politics since 1989 (pp. 165-190). Cambridge University Press.

Leff, C. S. (2019). Slovakia and the Making of Czechoslovakia: Controversies and Legacies. Kosmas: Czechoslovak & Central European Journal, New Series 2(1), 128-142.

Leff, C. S. (2018). The Czech and Slovak Republics: Nation versus state. Taylor and Francis.

Leff, C. S. (2017). Czech political developments since 1993: Some comments. In M. M. Stolarik (Ed.), The Czech and Slovak Republics: Twenty Years of Independence, 1993-2013 (pp. 155-174). Central European University Press.

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